One of the hardest things in the politicized world we live in is to find unbiased information. I’m a Certified Financial Planner®, and about the farthest thing from a scientist or a physicist. When the topic of energy comes up, I’d love to be more informed, but the subject has generally been beyond my reach to fully understand.
For that reason, my curiosity was piqued when I heard about the blog Energenie, which you can find at The writer of the blog has the ability to tackle the pressing energy issues of the day in a way that the layperson can understand, and as near as I can tell, without a political bias or vested interest.
How did I come across this blog? The author happens to be my niece, Grace Meikle. Grace is a fairly recent graduate of Notre Dame, has worked at Schlumberger and the U.S. Department of Energy in Washington D.C., and studied at various places around the world. If you find the blog as interesting as I do, subscribe to the blog via e-mail and pass it along to your friends, because energy, like money, is a terrible thing to waste!
Disclosure: The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.
Energenie, Modus Advisors and LPL Financial are separate entities.